What is SPQ Gold?

As one of the most often used tools for assessing salespeople, SPQ Gold stands for sales preference questionnaire gold. Basically, this tool assesses how reluctant salespeople are to initiate contact with another person. Obviously, this is a very important part of any sales model.
A Test used Across the World
According to Behavioral Sciences Research Press, SPQ Gold is used in more than 800,000 administrations and has helped establish the norms for specific age groups and other demographical areas. SPQ Gold comes as a booklet that has many questions that are designed to assess the reluctance an employee feels towards making sales call.
Contact us to get professional advice about the assessment.
Because SPQ Gold can be used in nearly every contact-dependent work place, it is perfect for both salespeople and prospective salespeople. Since 1980, this test has been a leader in workplace assessments. Many types of employees can be assessed by this test. The list of possible employees includes:
- Psychologists
- New salespeople
- Employee trainers
- Human resources professionals
- Sales management professionals
- Veteran salespeople
- External Consultants
- Supervisors, especially of
Before you hire any prospective employee, consider using the SPQ Gold test into your recruitment process.
Implementing the SPQ Gold in your Business
If you want to implement the SPQ Gold test in your business, but do not have experience with the assessment, consider hiring a service to administer the test for you. It can take many hours to prepare, score, and interpreting the results. Many people simply do not have the time and need to find a service to help them.
What is Workplace Testing?
Before hiring new employees, background checks can be performed. These checks can give you valuable information about their background, but often do not show a complete picture of the person. Using SPQ Gold testing can offer a wider range of information about each prospective employee.
Hiring someone who is not a good fit for your business is a waste of money and time. These are too valuable to your business to waste, so using every available assessment before making the decision about who to hire is a great idea.
A service that will administer this assessment for you should deliver the results to you quickly in an accurate and detailed report. This report should be easy to read and very useful to employers.
Finding a service to take care of your company's assessment needs is easy. Ask other businesses which assessment they use or browse online for the options in your area. Many companies are waiting to help you with all of your assessment needs.
Learn more about what is better than an IQ test.
Recruitment candidate test is a valuable tool for reference check.