Why Outsource Your Job Reference Check Work?

Many firms decide to use online reference checking, because it outsources this labour-intensive task. Other firms prefer to keep this task in house, because checking references is a vital component of choosing new employees. These firms do not want to hire a person who is a bad fit, or worse, a person who may be an unwanted presence.
Still, it makes sense to outsource your job reference check work to a company like RecruitCheck. Many positions have hundreds or thousands of candidates sending in resumes. This problem can make reference checking extremely difficult to complete, and therefore online services become more desirable. There are plenty of other reasons to outsource, too.
A Second Opinion
When you use an online service like ours to do job reference
check work, the resulting reports provide a valuable secondary
opinion. While bad candidates are obvious, it can be difficult to
choose good candidates among hundreds or thousands of similar
reports. A second opinion can be vital for some firms to choose
outstanding candidates.
Weed Out Bad Candidates Before An In-House Check
Outsourcing your job reference check work before beginning any
in-house checking will weed out bad candidates. In this way, the
online service merely does the grunt work, and your in-house
service can concentrate only on excellent candidates.
Online Reference Checking Services Might Surpass In-House
Your company may have a great idea about who the right candidate
is, but your employees may not specialize in conducting job
reference check work. A good reference checking service will
complement your in-house team's efforts. This is because these
companies specialize in reference checking, and they know how to
ascertain information the proper way.
For instance, good reference checkers never accidently lead a
reference to provide negative information. Questions like "What did
you not like about the candidate?" may not be appropriate. These
questions might be better rephrased as, "What were this candidate's
strengths and weaknesses while he worked for you?" This is only one
of many different ways that in-house services may extract
unwarranted negative information.
Use an Online Reference Checking Service On Yourself
It has become increasingly normal for people to use reference checking services on
themselves. People who do this often have many decent references on
their resumes, but they have no idea what those references are
actually saying about them. An employer may have appeared to like
these people, but they may now have nothing but negative things to
say after he or she has moved on.
If you do not know for certain what your references are saying
about you, then it is wise to have an online service provide you
with a full report.
Online Reference Checking Is The Wave Of The Future
It is wise to outsource your job reference check work, even when in-house staff is ready to do it. A service like RecruitCheck that does nothing but reference checking often has extremely insightful information to provide a firm about possible candidates. We are also a great way to start the reference checking process, or a good way to confirm excellent candidates.