Why Use Recruit Check

A recruitment process which relies solely on a candidate's
interview performance is inherently flawed. Conducting a
pre-employment reference check adds rigour and helps to minimise
the risk of making a bad hiring decision. It can also provide
insight into a prospective candidate's behaviour, character and
integrity for their future manager.
Many employers are often hesitant to conduct reference checks, even when the candidate has provided them with their referee's contact details. This is because of several reasons:
- It requires an additional step which takes time and consequently delays making the hiring decision.
- The hiring manger feels uncomfortable in calling a 3rd party to ask questions about the candidate's performance.
- They lack the skills and experience to conduct a professional reference check; this is not an activity they undertake on a regular basis.
- They are unsure of their obligations with regards to privacy legislation.
RecruitCheck has been developed to be an online provider of pre-employment reference checking services, primarily focused on the Australian market. RecruitCheck is designed to provide employers with an uncomplicated option for outsourcing their reference checking requirements. It combines the advantages of an online portal for customers with the benefits of Asia-staffed delivery hub.